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Share (Savings) Accounts

To Open an Account
To open a regular share (savings) account all that is required is completing an application card, pending approval by the Board of Directors, and a minimum deposit of $50. There is no limit as to how many share accounts a member may hold. The maximum allowable share balance shall not exceed $100,000. All regular share accounts are insured by the National Credit Union Association, up to $250,000 per member.
Dividends on all share accounts are accrued daily and paid quarterly on balances of $100 or more and are subject to change at the end of each quarter. No dividends will be paid if withdrawn early on any share accounts.

2024 Fourth Quarter Tiers and Rates
$100 - $4999.99 ====1.65%
$5,000 - $24,999.99 = 1.85%
$25,000 and above == 2.25%
Christmas Club Share Accounts
Christmas Club share accounts require a minimum of $5 per pay period or $10 per month. Checks are disbursed annually on or about November 1. Account may be opened at any time: no minimum balance is required.

Vacation Club Share Accounts
Vacation Club share accounts require a minimum of $5 per pay period or $10 per month. Checks are disbursed annually on or about June 1. Account may be opened at any time: no minimum balance is required.

A member may withdraw shares at any time but the Board of Directors may require 60 days written notice of member's intention to withdraw share balances if necessary.

Dubuque Postal Employees Credit Union

1155 Loras Blvd.

Dubuque, Iowa 52001

(563) 582-9515




Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1-5 p.m.

Or by appointment

NCUB logo
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